Many women look to Chinese medicine when they are preparing for a natural conception or for IVF. Nowadays it is common for women to delay starting a family because of work commitments and, as we know, fertility drops sharply with age. Whilst acupuncture can’t turn back the clock, many women use acupuncture, Chinese patent herbs and lifestyle changes to prepare themselves for the best possible health before conception. You also need to be mentally and physically prepared for post-natal care and looking after your baby into the future.
Acupuncture can boost a woman’s energy and improve her overall health. Using this approach, fertility can be enhanced.
Acupuncture can promote the circulation of blood in the pelvic cavity and improve ovarian function, and treatment may help promote follicle production, enhancing uterine blood flow and improving uterine lining thickness.
CASE STUDY: Natural Conception
Two women in their 40s, each with one child and one failed IVF attempt, co-incidentally came to my clinic in the same week. I gave them both general treatment with specific emphasis on increasing their fertility, both with acupuncture and patent herbs. They both fell pregnant after three months’ treatment – within a fortnight of each other! I treated them both throughout pregnancy, including pre-birth treatments, and they both had healthy babies in the summer. It should be noted that when fertility is initially low, mothers often need more support throughout the pregnancy.